Things to Do

Six articles will lead you to deep understanding of Arima Onsen, with full of tips to maximize the cultural benefits of your visits.

Directory & Map

Here are simple directions for Arima vistiors, you can find and pick where to stay, eat, shop according to your plan. There are also more information about public services. Please check your direction with maps if you were lost in Arima.

Arima Daily Snap

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Seasonal Features



Arima Ryofu Kawazashiki

Arima Ryofu Kawazashiki

26th Jul – 25th Aug: Viewing boxes and stages are set up in the Arima River Shinsui park, and stalls, games, performances, and geisha dances can be enjoyed while taking in the summer night.


Arima Ryofu Kawazashiki

Arima Ryofu Kawazashiki

26th Jul – 25th Aug: Viewing boxes and stages are set up in the Arima River Shinsui park, and stalls, games, performances, and geisha dances can be enjoyed while taking in the summer night.

Arima Summer Festival

Arima Summer Festival

4th – 5th: Stalls and games line the main road. Carried out alongside the Arima Ryofu Kawazashiki, the town really comes to life.

Plan Your Trip

Now it’s time to make your own plan in Arima Onsen. Where, when and how to visit, there are full information you will need. 1hr trip from Kyoto, Osaka and Himeji, 2hr trip from KIX, the trip to Arima Onsen is now becoming much shorter than you imagine.